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Everything that glitters is romance


I’ve always been one to believe that if you can’t put on and take off your jewellery in under 10 seconds, you’ll never wear it. That’s just how life goes. I’ve gone so far as to time myself putting on my bling and taking it all off, just to prove to my audience of disbelieving friends that it’s true, and it’s possible – a fierce independence on display. 

But then again, as life goes, I met a wise old jeweller last year who laid out his beautiful antique pieces before me, along with a tiny bit of his wisdom. While I tussled with the unforgiving clasps of his jewellery, I cited to him my 10 second theory, to which he sweetly chuckled and said, “It’s actually a beautiful ritual between my wife and I. I put on the bracelets and necklaces and anklets that she’s not able to herself, and then take them off for her at the end of the day. It’s our thing!” Instantly, the lovely scene he so simply described played out in my head, and got me wondering how jewellery is so inherently goddamn romantic. It sits close on your skin, it absorbs your warmth, it reflects in your eyes and is music to the ears. Jewellery is a bottomless pit of pure romance. A gift that keeps on giving.

A love affair for three 

Just last Sunday, I was chatting with an adorable couple I’m very fond of, who were expressing to me how jewellery was a great source of intimacy for them. One time, it was nearing midnight when she told him she desired a pair of anklets, and off both of them went, on a quest for anklets in the walled city in Jaipur. The shops were retiring for the day, and they had to beg a guy to open his establishment up for them, but the gods smiled down that night, and he gave her that pair of silver anklets. Now every time she wears it, he either puts it on or takes it off. Ufff! 

If you haven’t felt that feeling already, try asking your partner/lover/friend to clasp that necklace around your neck or the ring on your finger, and notice how different it is than doing it yourself. The tenderness of the touch, the coolness of the metal, the turning of the thread, the fastening it together, and then taking in your own reflection while relishing their admiring gaze on you, is truly special. If you begin your night or day on that note, there is no need for any other validation besides the two pairs of eyes in the mirror 😉

Give romance a chance

I know we don’t have the time to romanticise dressing up all the time – we have work, home, kids, pets and a thousand other things constantly seeking our time and attention. And despite all the lovely things I’ve expounded on above, I’m also the person that’s always in a big rush while going anywhere, always leaving my poor husband in a flurry of impatience rather than allowing him to indulge in the romantic gesture of clasping a necklace or screwing on my pauchis (bracelets). I’m working on it though, because hey, I won’t shy of giving romance a chance?

Your time to shine

If you know me you know I’m eternally inspired by romance. Romance is my jam. So I want to hear from you about your jewellery moment – what lit up your eyes? What makes your skin tingle? Did you feel your heart grow in size when they put that ring on your finger? Do you look into their eyes to see how you look? Do you give them your chand baalis and raani haars to safekeep in their pocket when you hit the dance floor, and smile when they give them back to you? 
Tell me your bejewelled stories – I promise to read them all! Just write in to anu@anumerton.com  – and my favourite story gets shared with you all, and the sender Sahiba gets their feet adorned by the Sahiba Anklet, but only if they promise they won’t put it on themself 😉

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