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Travelling Dukaan: Edition 11


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Up in the sky, somewhere between Bangalore and Jaipur, I was suddenly hit with the realisation that this has been the longest gap (eight months!) between two editions of Travelling Dukaan, only worsened by the fact that I also haven’t found a moment to pen down my usually intrusive, insistent thoughts. Ugh. We got a three star review the other day from a nice lady who complained I hadn’t written enough in the last 6 months 😂 She’s right though. I’ve been slacking off on my Notes app and getting way too busy running this love of mine, Anu Merton – and loving every minute of it.

Before the flight took off, a lovely crew member came up to me wondering if I was really Anu Merton, and gave me a bottle of water and the sweetest welcome note with the kindest words of appreciation for what I do. I instantly knew this was going to be a stellar trip like every other TD yet. Like I’ve always said, the idea is to find the things I love and you’ll love, and then we all lust after them together. Some we buy, some we wishlist, but we’ll always be looking, loving and dreaming, connected by the same thread of love for jewellery – homegrown, Indian jewellery – which carries its worth via vivid culture, history, emotions, and emotions expressed on flights apparently. I knew in that moment, that the universe was talking to me, and I was listening

I also talked to Rupangi Grover from Vogue India recently, explaining why I do what I do, and thought I'd share it with you too. Thanks for the feature, Vogue!


Tell us a little about your journey with fashion and jewellery. How did you get started in the creative space and how did you segue into jewellery?

Looking back, I’d say serendipity. I’ve always believed jewellery was made for me, and I was made for it. I started off working in fashion retail though, for a decade, then spent a few very dissatisfied years as a freelance fashion stylist! (laughs) I felt like no one ever really understood what I wanted to do, and I always found myself toeing a line my pig headed brain couldn’t come to terms with. 

When I launched Anu Merton though, it felt like everything I had seen, felt, and done in the past just added up and fell into place. I decided the brand was going to be a 100% me, and put myself out there for people I didn’t know to see, understand, like, dislike, lust after, and lastly, buy all this gorgeous jewellery that I loved, if they wanted to. I’d been making pieces for family and friends for a while then, and starting the business was a huge leap of faith but I’m glad I believed in me!


Why jewellery?

Because it’s simply timeless, and because I’m lucky to be born and bred here in the Indian subcontinent, the cradle of civilisation and the ultimate treasure trove of craftsmanship. What our karigars are capable of is incredible. How blessed – and grateful – am I to have this skill and expertise around at my disposal? 


How would you describe your personal style?

Easy, comfortable and sexy with an unmistakable touch of India. Always paired with something #HandMadeInIndia. I also get a kick from being unpredictable, so you might find me wearing the most basic things to the most glam events, or going all the way for a mundane Thursday night. 


What’s something you would never wear?

Never say never! But I really don’t do trends and I don’t like wearing things without a story. I also dress to address my moods.


Tell us the idea behind Travelling Dukaan.

Right after the first lockdown in 2020, I was telling my husband Ben how amazing it would be if I could do a virtual visual curation of all the beautiful pieces of jewellery I find roaming around the streets of Jaipur, and how helpful that would be for the karigars and small businesses that were suffering due to the tourist drought that the pandemic brought. Ben thought it was a great idea, and built the website, I did the listings and everything else, and the rest as I would like to think is history. 

We are currently on the 11th edition of Travelling Dukaan which I immensely enjoy and am proud of. The amount of backend tech, operations and coordination that goes into running this dukaan is no joke, and I wouldn’t be able to do it at the scale I do now without my fab team. I hunt down antiques and unusual pieces in a wide range of metals and prices, and my committed team puts them out for jewellery lovers to buy on the website. Ben and I however, still fight about who came up with the name Travelling Dukaan 😂 It’s brilliant, isn’t it? 


What is your design process like? Where do you look for inspiration?

I’ve always expressed how India inspires me endlessly. The raw beauty of every region in this land, childhood memories of winter mornings when the whole household moved out into the lawn, monotonous everyday things, my mum, the palla of her saree, Indian music, and how the sun just shines differently here – everything is alive with emotion. 

It’s also how I fall in love with a piece –- with a surge of emotion. I see a piece of jewellery and close my eyes, and it all starts coming alive together — the sights, sounds and smells... I imagine the moment it will be worn and how it will make the wearer feel. 


What kind of pieces do you look to collect for your personal collection?

Pieces with stories, emotion, and of course, craftsmanship. I have an eye for the odd yet extraordinarily versatile. My collection is a mish-mash of jewellery from all around the country and sub continent, and a lot of hand-me-downs. All easy to wear and take off because that is so important. 


Are there any heirloom pieces that have been passed down to you that have special value?

An old mine, rose cut solitaire that has been in my husband’s family for five generations. It was bought by his great grandfather, a professor of spectroscopy at Oxford, who’d had it cut deeper than usual to achieve total internal reflection. I also wear my grandmother’s jewels a whole lot, if not every day. 


What’s your first jewellery memory?

Wow, I have so many early memories involving jewellery, it would be hard to say! But there’s a few that stand out…When I was a teen, my father commissioned a beautiful diamond ring to be made for me, hand selecting the stones himself – small, light, and meant as a young girl’s first diamond ring. I also remember seeing my mum’s wedding tika and thinking it was the most beautiful piece of jewellery in the whole wide world. Special mention: my husband’s aunt has this Roman-style yellow gold heirloom bracelet which is the most unusual, stunning piece I’ve ever seen. 

So here I am – the eagle has landed in Jaipur, and is all ready for the 11th edition of Travelling Dukaan😬 Into those little trinket-laden gullies on foot I go! This is what I love doing! And I’m so grateful for an amazing team that will fly into action the moment I say the word. We’ve made sure we have lots of pieces that are ready to ship from Jaipur to anywhere, within 2 days! Needless to say, the beauty I find each time I’m back here amazes me, and I'm thanking the universe for sending it my way, while giving myself a pat on the back for all the hardwork.

Let me remind you the rules of this game once again

  • All the items you see on Instagram stories are already listed on the web-shop.
  • I will share the product code and price of each item on my Instagram stories and link them too. 
  • All you have to do is enter the product code on the Travelling Dukaan page of the website to find it, and shop or just click on the link I put in my stories to buy. 
  • If by chance, you can’t find the product on the website, feel free to shoot an email to anu@anumerton.com with the picture and code for my team to send you a link. 
  • Some products can be remade, but a lot of them cannot. The web-shop will mention those details for every product. 
  • Drop in an email to anu@anumerton.com if you have any questions about any of the products at any point. 
  • Most products are ready to be shipped out after a quick quality check. However, the ones that require to be remade have a turn around time of about 4-5 weeks as always. 

Lastly, please don’t hesitate to ask for prices in case I forget to mention them. Admire, annoy, and have fun with me as I go around finding these gems. Remember, jewellery isn’t just for buying, it’s for enjoying 🙂 I’m here to respond to all your queries, and so is my team. Please show us some love and patience, because God knows we could all use a big hug, even if it’s virtual. It’s open season!

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